Form an LLC
The most popular choice for business owners

Form a Corporation
Big business? Opt for a C Corp.

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Learn the differences and make your choice.
Not sure which entity type fits you best?
Outdated Software, Compliance headache, Complicated paperwork... and everything else? We'll take care of it, so you can focus on running and growing your business.
Leave the boring paperwork to us, and register in days thanks to our easy and seamless process.
The state creates your company, and we deliver all of your documents to you in a custom dashboard for digital access from anywhere.
No SSN required, we'll prepare, fill out your EIN application and file it to the IRS.
We have multiple great & reliable partner banks & financial companies such as Brex & Mercury, once your application is reviewed and approved you’ll be able to set up your payment gateway.
Choosing fileyourfile grants you access to a full ecosystem of World-Class companies As a member of our family, you receive access to exclusive benefits and discounts on software & services that help you manage and grow your business.
Company Registration
EIN Application ( Tax ID )
U.S Business Bank Account Setup
Registered Agent Service
Free 30 minutes Tax Consultation
U.S Business Debit Card
U.S Physical Address & Mail Forwarding
Worry Free State Compliance Alerts
Over $50,000 In Exclusive Rewards
Unlimited Phone & Email Support